How AI Makes Customers Happy

How AI Makes Customers Happy

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Customers like to buy from brands that make them happy. They like it when brands know what they want and need. They also like it when brands help them quickly and kindly. This is called customer experience. It is very important for businesses. In this article, we will talk about four ways that AI can make customers happy and give some examples of how brands are doing it.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that can help businesses make customers happy. AI can use data to learn about customers and what they like. AI can also do tasks that humans do, but faster and better. An AI can help businesses at every step of the customer journey.

How AI Helps Customers Shop

One way that AI can make customers happy is by helping them shop. AI can show customers things that they might like or need based on what they do or say. AI can also give customers good deals and useful information.

Some examples of brands that use AI to help customers shop are:

  • Amazon: The online store uses AI to show customers products that they might want to buy based on what they bought before. Amazon also uses AI to talk to customers with its voice assistant Alexa. Alexa can help customers shop, order, and track deliveries with voice commands.
  • Netflix: The streaming service uses AI to show customers movies and shows that they might want to watch based on what they watched before. Netflix also uses AI to make pictures and videos for each user and to make the streaming quality and speed better.
  • Spotify: The music platform uses AI to make playlists, suggest songs and artists, and make radio stations for each user based on what they like, do, and feel. Spotify also uses AI to study music data and make new genres and playlists.

The benefits of using AI to help customers shop are:

  • More sales: When customers see things that they like or need, they are more likely to buy them or subscribe to them.
  • More loyalty: When customers have a good and personal shopping experience, they are happier and trust the brand more. They are also more likely to come back and tell others about it.
  • More value: When customers get new and useful offers and content, they stay interested and get more value from the brand.

How AI Helps Customers Solve Problems

Another way that AI can make customers happy is by helping them solve problems. AI can give customers ways to help themselves, such as chatbots, FAQs, and knowledge bases. These can answer common questions and issues. This can help customers solve their problems quickly, without waiting for humans or calling centers.

Some examples of brands that use AI to help customers solve problems are:

  • Unity: The 3D platform uses Zendesk’s AI tools to give customers instant answers and avoid tickets. This helped Unity save a lot of money in a year, answer faster, and make customers happier. Unity’s happiness score went up to 93 percent.
  • Coda Payments: The payment service uses a bot to answer simple questions and stop spam tickets. This made the number of tickets and agents’ work smaller. This made agents happier and better at their work. Their happiness score went up to 85 percent. Customers were happier too. Their happiness score reached 90 percent.
  • FullStory: The data platform uses Zendesk to make its work easier and faster. It also uses AI to split customers into groups based on what they do and feel, and give insights into their problems and wants.

The benefits of using AI to help customers solve problems are:

  • Less waiting: When customers get fast and right answers, they feel less angry and have a better view of the brand.
  • More happiness: When customers solve their problems well and easily, they feel happier and more loyal to the brand.
  • Less cost: When AI does tasks that humans do or need manual work,
    it saves money and time and makes it better.

How AI Helps Customers Share Feedback

A third way that AI can make customers happy is by helping them share feedback. AI can use data to understand how customers feel, think, and need. AI can also get customer feedback from different places, such as surveys, reviews, social media, and emails.
Some examples of brands that use AI to help customers share feedback are:

  • FullStory: The data platform uses Zendesk to get and study customer feedback from different places, such as chat, email, and phone. It also uses AI to make groups of customers based on their behavior and feelings and give insights into their pain points and expectations.
  • Brand24: The online tool uses AI to find and study online mentions of the brand across social media, blogs, forums, and news sites. It also uses AI to measure customer sentiment, find influencers, and make reports and alerts.
  • MonkeyLearn: The texting platform uses AI to help businesses get insights from customer feedback using ready or custom models. It also uses AI to show customer feedback with pictures, charts, and word clouds.

The benefits of using AI to help customers share feedback are:

  • Better products, services, and processes: By knowing what customers think and feel about their offerings, businesses can use data to make them better in quality, features, and use.
  • More loyalty and advocacy: By listening to customer feedback and acting on it, businesses can show that they care about their customers’ opinions and needs, and increase their trust and loyalty.
  • More edge in the market: By getting insights into customer wants, hopes, and trends, businesses can stay ahead of the market and make new things faster.

How AI Helps Customer Service Agents

A fourth way that AI can make customers happy is by helping customer service agents. This can help agents deal with hard or sensitive cases better, improve their skills and work, and reduce their stress and burnout.
Some examples of brands that use AI to help customer service agents are:

  • IBM Watson: The AI platform gives a set of tools that help customer service agents with tasks such as finding answers, solving issues, giving tips, and moving cases. It also helps agents with training, coaching, and feedback.
  • Rulai: The chat platform gives a mixed solution that uses chatbots and human agents. It helps agents with tasks such as sending customers to the right agent or place, giving ideas or words during talks, and moving context when changing places or agents.
  • Cogito: The behavior platform uses AI to study voice signals during customer service calls. It helps agents with tasks such as finding customer emotions, giving real-time tips, and improving kindness and connection.

The benefits of using AI to help customer service agents are:

  • Additional work and speed: By making tasks easier or faster that would need human help or manual work, AI can help agents do more cases in less time and with less effort.
  • More happiness and stay: By making agent stress and burnout less, AI can help agents feel more into and happy in their work and reduce leaving rates.
  • More happiness and loyalty: By giving agents the tools and help they need to give better service, AI can help agents make customers more happy and loyal to the brand.

What is the main point of this article?

AI is a strong technology that can make customers happy in different ways. By using AI, businesses can give personal, easy, and smooth interactions at every touchpoint, from shopping to support.
AI helps businesses get and study feedback, understand emotions and needs, and make products, services, and processes better. An AI also helps agents deal with cases better, improve skills and work, and reduce stress and burnout.
AI makes customers happy, giving businesses an edge, more loyalty and stay, and more money and growth.

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